For a map to your range click here.
Please read the complete list of rules. You are required to agree to the rules before you can complete the reservation.
- New Hours and changes to reservations beginning Nov 1, 2022. See website for details
- This range is available Saturday & Sunday ONLY.
- This is a RIFLE ONLY range. No handguns, shotguns or muzzle loaders permitted.
- In the interest of public safety, the range may be shutdown, without prior warning, due to inclement weather conditions, which may include high sustained wind speed or gusts, lightning, and heavy rain.
- Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance of the shooting time slot-for same day availability please call 623-582-8313.
- Refund policy-refunds for reservations will only be given up to 24 hours in advance of your reservation.
- 1 hour and 45 min reservation blocks include shooter set up/ shooter pack up, live fire, and ceasefire periods.
- You may make multiple reservations.
- Spectators are not permitted on the range.
- All firearms must be cased (soft or hard sided).
- No Tracer Rounds, Incendiary, Explosive, Specialty Shot Shells, and other similar rounds.
- No .50 BMG or rounds approaching the energy of a .50 BMG allowed.
- Full Auto can only be shot in the benchrest or prone positions.
- Tables may accommodate up to 4 shooters per table.
- Distance: 100, 200 and 300 yards for paper target frames.
- Rentals must be procured before reservation time at the Store & Operations Center located by the Main Range.
- Hearing and Eye protection is mandatory and can be purchased in the Store & Operations Center located by the Main Range.
- Paper Targets can be purchased, and spotting scopes and lead sleds are available for rent, in the Store & Operations Center located by the Main Range.
Listed below are common sense tips to help avoid lead particulate ingestion:
- Wash your hands and face before and after eating and smoking
- ONLY drink out of resealable containers while on the shooting line
- Eat only in areas outside of the shooting range
- Smoke only in areas outside of the shooting range
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth while shooting
*Eating, open beverage containers and smoking are prohibited on the shooting lines at all ranges*
Be sure to check our shoot calendar here for more information.